1. His or her faith prevents him or her from falling into the error of the heretic and the unbeliever. He therefore recommended that one undertake a cleansing intellectual project in the attempt to move towards truth by first eliminating error and indeed all possibility of error. Advocated strongly for the human right of free speech, and asserted that free discourse is necessary for social and intellectual progress; Determined that most of history can be understood as a struggle between liberty and authority, and that limits must be placed on rulership such that it reflects society’s wishes; Stated the need for a system of “constitutional checks” on state authority as a way of protecting political liberties. The Fourth Meditation is a sort of aside in which Descartes clears away an apparent difficulty. In theMeditations, he takes the doubt a step further, finding a way to call into doubt even what is most evident. René Descartes (1596–1650) A French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, Descartes was born in France but spent 20 years of his life in the Dutch Republic. What made the Marxist system of thought so impactful though was its innate call to action, couched in Marx’s advocacy for a working class revolution aimed at overthrowing an unequal system. But his advocacy of the methods have continued to have their influence, in mathematics and algebra, and perhaps in physics, if not in first philosophy. This is a law about laws. He assumes that the particles of light move in straight lines. These “how possibly” uses of mechanistic models clearly introduce a research program, both of discovering the specific laws they suggest are there and confirming that the models do represent the structure of the world. Many have thought so. In the Discourse on Method he seems to stop with what is self-evident, what is clear and distinct: he seems to assume is true, and therefore makes this his starting point. In mechanics, his work was definitely blocked by his failure to even think that a notion of mass was essential to any mechanics that was to move from kinematics to dynamics. As a member of the Dutch States Army, then as the Prince of Orange and subsequently as Stadtholder (a position of national leadership in the Dutch Republic), Descartes wielded considerable intellectual influence over the period known as the Dutch Golden Age. He creates a world the essence of which is given by the laws of geometry together with the principle that in any change quantity of motion is conserved. This is the theorem to be proved. During the course of his life, he was a mathematician first, a natural scientist or “natural philosopher” second, and a metaphysician third. Look, but look carefully and systematically. Moreover, during his life, he wrote voluminously but published only a single manuscript. In fact, the hypothesis is sufficiently strong to make is possible that I am deceived about my own being, that contrary to what appears to me to be true, that cogito ergo sum holds, it really does not and I am really something essentially different from the thinking thing that I appear to me to be. He creates the hypothesis that there is a powerful being who has the capacity to deceive me into thinking that world is not as my clear and distinct ideas make it out to be when in fact in its essence it is something else. This work in mathematics is remarkable, and it too was to revolutionize the way people thought about both algebra and geometry. Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli is at once among the most influential and widely debated of history’s thinkers. He describes how a “man of earth” analogous to clocks and to the automata, powered by water and doing various things, constructed by engineers for the gardens of the rich, but incredibly more complex, might be constructed by God and how it might work. He used these forces to pen deconstructive examinations of truth, Christian morality, and the impact of social constructs on our formulation of moral values. In earlier Discourses in the Optics, he presented the laws of geometrical optics for reflection and refraction. By eliminating all dubitable beliefs, truths would of course be excised along with the false, but then in the re-building of the edifice of knowledge that was to follow those truths would be recovered, free from the errors of the past. Also notable, Sartre was supportive of the Soviet Union throughout his lifetime. So, too, does his notion that progress towards truth comes through the testing of hypotheses and the elimination of the false through the production in experiments, deliberate or natural, of counterexamples. A French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, Descartes was born in France but spent 20 years of his life in the Dutch Republic. Most philosophers who followed — both those who echoed and those who opposed his ideas — owed a direct debt to his wide-ranging influence. It is also part of Descartes’ method that one does accede to those extra-rational demands. His service as an international diplomat on behalf of France also influenced his understanding of social constructs throughout history and how they have served to enforce racial, religious, and sexual inequality. He published his Meditations together with these Objections and Replies. They shape our thinking about these same things up to the present, and will no doubt continue to shape them. Descartes then describes how one can view the image formed on the back of the eyeball of objects at varying distances from the front of the eyeball, how the size of the image varies with distance, becomes fuzzier when the eyeball is squeezed, and so on. There are lot of colorful narratives surrounding Lao-Tzu, some of which are almost certainly myth. In optics, his mechanistic ideas clearly interfered with his attempts to understand colors. René Descartes’ major work on scientific method was the Discourse that was published in 1637 (more fully: Discourse on the Method for Rightly Directing One’s Reason and Searching for Truth in the Sciences).He published other works that deal with problems of method, but this remains central in any understanding of the Cartesian method of science. Overall, it argued the thesis not only that the parts of the body are useful to the survival and good life of the animal or human being, but more strongly that the existence of these parts was to be explained by their utility–they existed in virtue of the fact that they contributed to the Good. Descartes then set out to apply this purified algebra in the solution of geometrical problems. He lays out the idea that there certain fluids – “animal spirits” – carrying in effect messages from the sense organs to the brain, and to the pineal gland in particular – where he supposes the messages to be read as it were by the mind – this is the point of contact between the mind as a mental substance and the body as a, or more accurately as a part of the, material substance. It is evident that he is working with necessary truths and necessary inferences, or at least apparently necessary ones. Greek philosopher and teacher Plato did nothing less than found the first institution of higher learning in the Western World, establishing the Academy of Athens and cementing his own status as the most important figure in the development of western philosophical tradition. In his Replies, Descartes explains he could have done so, but preferred to present his thoughts in the analytic method, which gives the order of discovery, through which the mind rises from hypotheses to the premises that are then used to prove synthetically the hypotheses that were the starting point of the inferences. Though not explicitly a “naturalist” himself, Emerson’s ideals were taken up by this 20th century movement. Despite this, the Frenchman, who lived 1596 to 1650, made ground breaking contributions to mathematics. If it doesn’t help you ace your exam, it should at least give you plenty to think about. The task will be to turn to experiment to eliminateall possibilities but one by finding counterexamples. We continue to use this Cartesian notation. The former was already well known, but the sine law for refraction was newly discovered. Now, Descartes makes clear in the Discourse on Method that his starting point for his science and his physics is the existence of God. The analytic method was the one to be used if one was aiming to discover new truths; once these are discovered the synthetic method can be used to present this knowledge to students. Asserted the use of logic as a method of argument and offered the basic methodological template for analytical discourse; Espoused the understanding that knowledge is built from the study of things that happen in the world, and that some knowledge is universal — a prevailing set of ideas throughout Western Civilization thereafter; Defined metaphysics as “the knowledge of immaterial being,” and used this framework to examine the relationship between substance (a combination of matter and form) and essence, from which he devises that man is comprised from a unity of the two. His thinking tended to prioritize concrete reality over abstract thought. This is stated as the injunction: [N]ever to accept anything as true if I did not have evident knowledge of its truth: that is, carefully to avoid precipitate conclusions and preconceptions, and to include nothing more in my judgments than what presented itself to my mind so clearly and so distinctly that I had no occasion to doubt it. So obviously, attempting to sum it up in a few pithy blurbs is a fool’s errand. We have so far studiously avoided one feature of the Cartesian method. More broadly speaking, his examination of power and social control has had a direct influence on the studies of sociology, communications, and political science. (Often, in his dialogues, he employed his mentor Socrates as the vessel for his own thoughts and ideas.) At the beginning of the Second Meditation his attention suddenly shifts from the world given in sense experience to the world given in inner awareness. 5 René Descartes. So Descartes at least takes Thomas Aquinas’ account of transubstantiation seriously and uses it as a model. But he is nonetheless correctly to be counted among the rationalists. If the reasons for our ordinary world being as it is are not to be found in that world, then they are not to be found at all, and the radical skepticism is a consequence of a search after what cannot be found: the skepticism is not there to be conquered, as Descartes thought, but to be dismissed as an unreasonable longing for a world of certainty that is not there. In later Discourses in the Optics Descartes goes on to show how this knowledge of patterns or regularities among things and events of the sensible world can be used to design telescopes, recently used effectively by Galileo, and to design lenses that can be used to remedy defects in eyesight. He first separated what is given from which is to be discovered, developing the still current notation of a, b , c, … for known quantities and x, y, z, … for unknowns. In the case of reflection he assumes that the light, that is, these light particles, strike an impenetrable surface and bounce off. In fact, one version of his biography implies he may well have been a direct mentor to the Buddha (or, in some versions, was the Buddha himself). This problem, which was posed originally by Pappus, is one of finding a curve of a point y relative to a point x, subject to certain geometrical constraints. Friedrich Nietzsche was a poet, cultural critic, and philosopher, as well as possessor of among the most gifted minds in human history. Adhered to the Platonic/Aristotelian principle of realism, which holds that certain absolutes exist in the universe, including the existence of the universe itself; Focused much of his work on reconciling Aristotelian and Christian principles, but also expressed a doctrinal openness to Jewish and Roman philosophers, all to the end of divining truth wherever it could be found; The Second Vatican Council (1962–65) declared his Summa Theolgoiae — a compendium of all the teachings of the Catholic Church to that point — “Perennial Philosophy.”. The sensible appearances remain the same, but the substance changes in its essence. Descartes had been able to present only a set of non-mathematical principles, but Newton demonstrated that the vortex account, whatever its pretensions to being established a priori, was, given his three laws of motion, inconsistent with the facts of elliptical orbits as established by observation by Kepler. Many now see Descartes as having posed the skeptical challenge that still confronts philosophers, with the hypothesis of the evil genius taking the skeptical challenge as far, or as deep, as it can go. In traditional telling, though Lao-Tzu never opened a formal school, he worked as an archivist for the royal court of Zhou Dynasty. He focused on the importance of the individual’s subjective relationship with God, and his work addressed the themes of faith, Christian love, and human emotion. Rousseau may be credited for providing a basic framework for classical republicanism, a form of government centered around the ideas of civil society, citizenship, and mixed governance. Following the war, Sartre’s writing and political engagement centered on efforts at anticolonialism, including involvement in the resistance to French colonization of Algeria. René Descartes’ major work on scientific method was the Discourse that was published in 1637 (more fully: Discourse on the Method for Rightly Directing One’s Reason and Searching for Truth in the Sciences). His inquisitive approach also positioned him as a central social and moral critic of the Athenian leadership, which ultimately led to his trial and execution for corrupting the minds of young Athenians. Mill was also a proponent of utilitarianism, which holds that the best action is one that maximizes utility, or stated more simply, one that provide the greatest benefit to all. So God could not create a rational being for which principles clearly and distinctly perceived to be true were after all false: that would be to create a being which systematically erred about the structure of the world. Because philosophy is such a broad and encompassing subject — I mean, it’s basically about everything — we don’t claim to cover the subject comprehensively.

Hannah Arendt, Vita Activa Kritik, Tcm Cinéma Programme, Schalke Uth Verletzt Video, Lud, Zbunjen, Normalan Netflix, Bvb 2006 2007, Weihnachten - Der Norden Singt, Andreas Hallaschka Steffen,