They're much more commonly used than Mac OS X. 291 - Melissa, November 1, 2008, 11:00 am : it's finally november!! here, member wants fun, fun is important. Cependant, la durée de la guerre, les sacrifices et désillusions qu'elle entraîne, vont faire croître une opposition qui s'organise lors de la conférence de Zimmerwald en septembre 1915, autour de la minorité des dirigeants socialistes de différents pays ayant refusé l'union sacrée, qu'ils considèrent comme une trahison des idées socialistes et internationalistes. 243 - Bruce wood, October 30, 2008, 12:15 am : It doesn't say anywhere on the page that it's Mac version only! okay, i got it running. this is so fun. I know there some PC only stuff out there but you guys opt for that when you make the purchase. C'est genial! 927 - Everette, February 6, 2009, 6:17 pm : supercool... hey, can we have a scribble on the whitespace below the photo like in the movie Memento. :0) Lors du Congrès de Reims en novembre 2008, le nombre d'adhérents du parti était de 232 511[24]. i can hardly wait! 509 - Dexter, November 22, 2008, 11:12 pm : 507 - Pierro, November 22, 2008, 9:48 am : Im still waiting for the WINDOWS Version ... 506 - Dickey, November 22, 2008, 8:46 am : This is really cool. thanks. Long live Poladroid! 488 - Ni sun, November 20, 2008, 2:04 am : 487 - Philip, November 20, 2008, 1:10 am : I would lay down $5 in a heartbeat for this app in the Apps store. Me ha encantado ésta aplicación!! thank you ! Spaces and Exposé bug fixes. so when is the WINDOWS one coming? could be a match made in instant mark xxx. 623 - Paul Ladroid, December 15, 2008, 10:39 am : ??? Pour les courants de gauche, le gouvernement Jospin a été sanctionné à cause d'une politique qualifiée de social-libérale. Quelques jours avant le vote des motions, Ségolène Royal déclare que « le modèle de la social-démocratie » est un « modèle périmé »[54], ce qui lui vaut une réplique de Bertrand Delanoë[55]. 1302 - Céleste Augros-Juan, July 10, 2009, 11:36 pm : Je viens de découvrir ce site et bravo à toi ! maybe a possible signup to find out when the windows version is available. We all love your software and should you be releasing a paid pro version, we'd be happy to pay for it and make software development worth your while! Faites votre choix parmi les films, séries TV, reportages ou documentaires qui seront diffusés ce soir à la télé et concoctez-vous une soirée TV réussie ! 627 - Jihong, December 16, 2008, 10:10 am : 哥们~ 真心期待你的pc版本~ ive never really used it ? Rotation is only a visual effect on desktop. 1571 - Abednego, January 18, 2010, 1:55 pm : 1570 - Iceland, January 17, 2010, 5:53 pm : this is so great.. but the problem is that you can only do 10 polaroids. seems to crash everytime! Nous pourrions être partenaires, via mes Séries de Polaroïds : Mais il tient également à mettre en garde les travailleurs, la transformation socialiste ne peut pas être le produit naturel et la somme de réformes corrigeant les effets du capitalisme. This is one of the great American tragedies. (: Just downloaded the windows version and I'm loving it! Dans la perspective de l'élection présidentielle de 2007, l'ouverture à l'investiture du candidat ou de la candidate socialiste a eu lieu en novembre 2006. 325 - Magnolia75, November 3, 2008, 5:31 pm : Formidable, extraordinaire, merveilleux ! i've realized that each photo randomly has a different colour to it.... like, a pink hue, green hue, yellow hue etc. PS: I love this programm!!! One thing I would love to see is iSight integration so that my wife and I can sit in goofy photobooth poses and take our Polaroid. Une minorité de la SFIO ainsi que d'autres élus de la gauche non communiste comme François Mitterrand et Pierre Mendès France, se dressent contre le « coup d'État ». keep up the awesome work! The last release has lost that feature. The downloading can begin with a little bit of latency. 587 - Matthew, December 7, 2008, 6:22 am : Thank you so much, this little piece of software is a gem! Après la reconnaissance du droit syndical en 1884, la Confédération générale du travail (CGT) se constitue en 1895. La déclaration de principe de 1946 réaffirme le caractère révolutionnaire du parti et reste fidèle au marxisme sur un grand nombre de points : « Le caractère distinctif du Parti socialiste est de faire dépendre la libération humaine de l'abolition du régime de la propriété capitaliste qui a divisé la société en classes nécessairement antagonistes, et créé pour l'une la faculté de jouir de la propriété sans travail, pour l'autre l'obligation de vendre son travail, et d'abandonner une part de son produit aux détenteurs du capital. Pour les scrutins de liste (municipales, régionales, européennes), les adhérents peuvent approuver une liste présentée par la fédération départementale ou voter pour une liste alternative. Deux ministres du premier gouvernement d'Édouard Philippe, premier ministre d'Emmanuel Macron, sont membres du Parti socialiste : Gérard Collomb et Jean-Yves Le Drian. Grangratulations!!! Windows version runs fine in GNU/Linux under Wine (except drag&drop, but jpeg files can be selected using the menu). Two questions: Paul, you reading bro? i know apple have not been co-operative but please don't give up on the iPhone app. "Poladroid of the day"!! 358 - Oliver, November 5, 2008, 10:51 pm : Idont get the point with this program. 525 - Gary Cruz, November 25, 2008, 5:00 am : So much for the argument, "there's always more software for windows" - just get a mac. 1360 - Richard, August 8, 2009, 2:55 am : For an interesting feature story on Polaroids, their impact on American culture, and a Fullerton exhibit of Polaroids opening this weekend, check out this site: i really love it!! je suis conquise ! Simple à utiliser il donne d'excellent résultat. Thanks to: And yes, Mac only. 709 - Sarah, December 28, 2008, 7:49 pm : I wanted to say that I just tried out the windows version and it is GREAT! cant show the image,why? Great tool. they are sitting on my desktop and are tiny. NB : faites des dons si vous pouvez car la bouffe des rênes revient assez cher, surtout en cette période de fin d'année. I love the toy camera effect... 1648 - PolaroidDIARYberlin, March 11, 2010, 9:02 am : WE LOVE IT... Keep on doing this... Of cause a iPhone app would be nice... need this for the BlackBerry Storm. 恋愛占い ;D I have a couple of suggestions though, i don't know if you'll read this, but anyways... Maybe you should give us an option to use the stripes/dust/scratches effect, with or without those finger prints on it, cause sometimes they appear on a place that kinda ruins the picture. TY! Is there a way to review the photos scattered over the desktop again? 385 - Charles, November 8, 2008, 2:40 am : 383 - Beaumont, November 7, 2008, 9:40 pm : 382 - Nils Breunese, November 7, 2008, 8:12 pm : Support for iSight and other image formats. 712 - Ryan, December 28, 2008, 11:05 pm : I've been so excited to get my hands on the PC beta. Love, 901 - Friskool, January 31, 2009, 6:26 pm : 897 - Cybermunkee, January 30, 2009, 5:22 pm : 896 - Virgen, January 30, 2009, 3:37 pm : I'm seeking (realy) hard but.. no result... 黄道十二宮恋占い 276 - Daphne Horn, October 31, 2008, 11:30 am : I hope it's gonna work for Windows as well?? How can i add the comment to below the photo?? 929 - Stéphany, February 6, 2009, 7:56 pm : this is so cool! hi, great app! 1612 - Ellen, February 10, 2010, 9:38 am : 1611 - Peggy, February 9, 2010, 10:19 am : 1610 - Abercrombie and Fitch, February 9, 2010, 9:11 am : 1609 - Download it's complicated, February 8, 2010, 2:22 pm : Hello Dominik, i just did an article on my Disney and more site with old pictures of Walt Disney that i've put through your PolaDroid app. J'ai tjrs adoré le rendu du polaroid ! 的的的副本路易威登手表 Sad, sad people... Who live in a sad, twisted world. Thank you for making this program! Keep up the good work! THANK YOU! Pola is not dead ! :s, i tried to forum but i doesnt help me with my question Please add a preference to turn off wait time for development. 823 - Baratas, January 15, 2009, 11:46 pm : 822 - Upyaka, January 15, 2009, 5:56 pm : 821 - Natalina, January 15, 2009, 10:37 am : i made a video using poladroid. Thank you very much! absolutely superb application, but hvng difficulties deleting them. This Sucks, how about you just use a Polaroid. 990 - Jade B, February 19, 2009, 2:40 pm : HAVING TOO MUCH FUN! 1297 - Guitar pedal review, July 9, 2009, 4:54 am : great work. jai faite lupdate a 9.5r5 mais un coup unziper jresoit 9.5r4 jai le meme probleme de une photos a la fois . Il constitue en quelque sorte le parlement interne du parti, car il est le reflet direct de la réalité des sensibilités et des courants du PS. get over it, it's an awesome application and i give it a thumbs up. ». 173 - Maureen, October 26, 2008, 12:38 pm : I SO love that you did the Mac version 1st. This looks like a really cool program...I will download this later... 988 - Ariel, February 18, 2009, 7:40 am : Nothing to say, just download, make a donate and try it. Bookmarked! The photos I did are at 543 - Suzanna, November 27, 2008, 12:12 am : so very excited for the windows version. it keeps telling me "nil object exception >> thread polaengine error", Its great 1444 - Zoé schiltz, October 1, 2009, 11:22 pm : I remember my dad having a Polaroid and found some of the old photos recently. LIE...we live in Brasil and we buy it from US and Europe...You are just toooo lazy t find some...Cause you like living in lies....As Violent Femmes would say: "LIES LIES LIES LIES, LIES LIES LIES...." can't hardly wait.... 417 - Sushi lover, November 11, 2008, 12:54 am : oh please! is there anyway that i can get the old version back because the new one is a bit disappointing - i cant add fonts to it in photoshop, something i was able to do so before please bring the updated version back or at least fix this one. Partly because part of the film's charm is the honesty inherent in an instant print. Don't tell me that I made it for nothing. LOVE IT!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the software and i have the dreaming pics NOW! And ANGELA, don't be mad girl! how come? A new year gift from poladroid. this software give me a very surprise!like it verymuch. 564 - Stephen Paley, December 1, 2008, 5:51 pm : I downloaded the program, installed on my Mac, converted one of my jpegs, it appeared on my desktop with a little red ribbon on the bottom, but how do I save the image as a Poladroid or upload it to Flickr? Whenever I drag a photo into Poladroid, a new window pop out and said, " has encountered a problem and needs to close." Thanks! Elle affirme dans son article premier[14] : « Être socialiste, c'est ne pas se satisfaire du monde tel qu'il est, c'est vouloir changer la société. 714 - Sophie, December 29, 2008, 2:06 am : absolutely great! Grâce au lien dans votre mail, j'ai pu enfin télécharger le logiciel et j'en suis très ravie. En mars 1973, les élections donnent plus de 48 % des voix à la gauche et le PS rattrape le PCF pour la première fois de l'après-guerre. 836 - Betsy, January 18, 2009, 12:21 am : I can't drop and drag without the camera disappearing. But, since I've made a donation for this software, It would be nice to have a versions that doesn't expires every time I use it. Hoping for the next version soon. !it says: "error-Impossible to save preferences!!! La IVe République ne survit pas au coup de force qui, en mai 1958, ramène de Gaulle au pouvoir. thanks for helping create more memories. Saves a lot of money! 1384 - Photonotes, August 25, 2009, 1:18 am : It's great to see other "digital" Polaroid apps out there. 1218 - Paul Ladroid, June 1, 2009, 1:36 pm : Salut, After the Java dropdown window telling me that on the next page the download will start after 10 seconds, the new page comes up with this error message, and after 10 seconds the browser returns to the download page without anything else happening :c(. Ce serait le pied ! Others don’t know what it means, yet think it’s a cool thing to say to prove that they know a bit of French. It's a great job you're doing there and it's getting bigger and bigger everyday !! So a 4000x6000px file would remain the same size.... maybe plus a "melting" feature??? Super, danke! am I missing something? 1363 - Stella, August 9, 2009, 10:06 am : Hi, Be patient, please. thx. I'm making so many of my photos into polaroids, and I love them. besoin d'aide Is this just my computer? Looking forward to your PRO version. works well, looks great. HAHA. 238 - Sixthland, October 29, 2008, 2:13 pm : I'm very proud to have one of my photos as 'photo of the day' today. 837 - Ashlee, January 18, 2009, 8:22 am : WHY DO THEY DEVELOP WITH FINGERPRINTS ON THEM?? 1017 - Steffl, February 26, 2009, 2:57 pm : Is there any Linux version in planning?

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